Where have you been? Hanging around with those geeks again?

I haven't written much in my own blog lately because nearly all my writing over the last month has been for another blog where I'm expected to contribute several times a week.  I kind of need that type of pressure from an outside source in order to keep from making excuses for myself for not writing.

But whatever the reason I haven't been writing in here, I am still able to try and keep my creative juices flowing in other areas.  So, because I've been lax here, here are some of the stories I've been writing at Geek Goes Rogue.

Live From Your Living Room... - I take a look at some of the newer, and classic, television shows featuring performances by today's artists.  August 5th, 2013.

Breaking Bad Finale Watch: 6 Days and Counting... - I report on happenings related to Breaking Bad, including the show receiving the top award from the Television Critics Association, Groupon selling Breaking Bad merchandise, and a fan-submitted video of the "Weird Al" Yankovic song "Albuquerque" using clips from the show.  Outstanding stuff.  August 5th, 2013.

Breaking Bad Finale Watch: 5 Days and Counting... - More BB happenings, including an article on how to create your very own paper Heisenberg character.  You'll also see two videos recapping the last 4/5 seasons -- one from the Fine Brothers, and AMC's recap trailer made for 2013 Comic-Con.  August 6th, 2013.

The Band Geek and the Movie House: Drum Corps on the Big Screen - I explore and review what many might call the geekiest of sports, marching music.  In particular, drum and bugle corps.  I review the
"Big, Loud & Live 10" event, Drum Corps International's simulcast of their world championship quarterfinals as it is linked into hundreds of theaters across the country.  August 10th, 2013.

Geek Goes Rogue's Top 10 Breaking Bad Episodes - I give my list of the 10 most essential episodes for viewing in the first 4 seasons of Breaking Bad.  Some of them may surprise you.  August 13th, 2013.

8 To Go: GGR Reviews Breaking Bad - "Blood Money" - Following my real-time DVR review of Sharknado, I implement the same method with each episode of Breaking Bad in its final run.  August 13th, 2013.

7 To Go: GGR Reviews Breaking Bad - "Buried" - August 20th, 2013.

Christian Music's Authenticity Problem (or How I Learned to Stop Consuming and Actually Engage) - After a heated discussion over a post I wrote on Faceboo, I take shots at the Christian music industry as a machine and discuss what I've seen over the last 20 years.  August 20th, 2013.

Under The Dome is Under the Bar - After weeks of contemplation, I come to terms with the CBS drama Under The Dome.  August 25th, 2013.

Low Winter Sun - AMC's Exploration of Darkness and Light - I give my opinion of the pilot episode of AMC's new scripted drama, based off the BBC miniseries of the same name.  August 27th, 2013.

6 To Go: GGR Reviews Breaking Bad - "Confessions" - August 27th, 2013.

Australia's Tripod (Keeping the Earth from Falling Onto Venus Since 1997) - I break my silence about the extremely talented musical comedy trio Tripod, and why I think anyone that enjoys music, comedy, geekdom, or any combination thereof would like this band.  August 30th, 2013.

I'll keep you updated on new articles as they come.  And who knows?  I may write a bit in here.

There Is No Box.
