The Back Burner Podcast - Episode 4: Fiasco - Showdown at Blue Camel (Part 1)

In Episode 4 of The Back Burner Podcast, you'll hear Part 1 of an Actual Play of the roleplaying game Fiasco from Bully Pulpit Games. Sam McQuiggan, Jason Kelley, and Tina Mayer join me in creating a wild west scenario that could have ended much better than it did.

Fiasco by Jason Morningstar can be purchased at Bully Pulpit Games' website.

Episode of Wil Wheaton's TableTop podcast featuring Fiasco
TableTop's setup for Fiasco

Find more great playsets for this game at

Links to the playsets that I've created
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With no further ado, here you go.

There Is No Box. 
